My experiment on Substack

Alice Teodorescu
2 min readJan 31, 2021

…is just getting started.

Probably because I need to enter 2021 with good vibes. Or maybe if I do an experiment with no pressures on my creative flows, I can enjoy the ride.

I don’t know what exactly is the drive for it, but I know my writing itches are back. So why not experiment with a newsletter?

Freed from any formats or deadlines. Focused on all that I love to read about, study, listen to — cinema, literature, anthropology, psychology, UX, life, therapy, history etc.

And I want to go on this ride with all of you, curious minds, out there! ;)

Instead of a conclusion or promise, let’s analyze Will Self’s musings about reading, for a little bit:

Which brings me back to that promiscuity animadverted to above: a promiscuity born of fidelity rather than its dereliction; a fidelity not to a given work or its author, but to the great palimpsest of texts, worked up, worked over, interleaved and woven with one another, that constitutes literature in its entirety. To read promiscuously is to comprehend the caresses of one work in the arms of another — and the promiscuous reader is a pedagogue par excellence. How should we read? We would read as gourmands eat, gobbling down huge gobbets of text. No one told me not to pivot abruptly from Valley of the Dolls to The Brothers Karamazov — so I did; anymore than they warned me not to intersperse passages of Fanny Hill with those written by Frantz Fanon — so I did that, too. By reading indiscriminately, I learned to discriminate — and learned also to comprehend: for it’s only with the acquisition of large data sets that we also develop schemas supple enough to interpret new material.

Well, my experimental newsletter can be seen as something of sorts — an eclectic food for so many differing, sometimes competing, sometimes complementing thoughts. You can find the details here.



Alice Teodorescu

Creative writer. Social media specialist. Online researcher.